Dear APMedia Partners,Doors are opening! We are on the brink of some of the greatest opportunities. We have open doors to reach into areas of the Asia where the gospel has never reached before. If you remember from last month’s letter, I told you about APMedia producing the first-ever multimedia package targeting youth in the Philippines. It was debuted with churches last month and received a tremendous response. Also, in the last 90 days we have voice dubbed one of our original evangelistic feature-length films into Mongolian—reaching into a nation where less that two percent of the population is Christian. Film distribution will begin in June!
The same film is being dubbed into Bahasa for the nation of Indonesia, the fourth largest country in world. Eighty percent of Indonesia is Muslim. We already have inquiries from a cable television network about using the film in the coming months. Amazing! Right now we are looking at producing a drama for Myanmar, training mainland Chinese workers using digital and social media, and creating a video series targeting young professionals. This is an incredible moment for APMedia!
Click Here to Watch the APMedia Myanmar Impact Video!/myanmar-2014-update At the same time we have never had a moment of greater need. We must find 85 additional friends to join the support team at $50 a month to sustain our ministry. What could you do with $50.00? You might have a nice romantic dinner with your spouse at a restaurant. You could fill up your gas tank. You could take a friend to the movies and get some popcorn and couple of large Cokes. Today, $50 doesn’t stretch as far as it used to. But it goes a long way in ministry! That $50 covers an hour APMedia’s ministry in the region. His Message, Multiplied!
From supporting a Manila-based creative team of dedicated workers who are producing life-changing media resources, to training new Christian workers, to broadcasting radio programs that are able to access countries that have been closed to the gospel, to translating resources to evangelize unreached people groups—that $50 goes a long way. See what we are doing, visit right now. I’ve just mentioned a few upcoming opportunities for APMedia to produce resources and train leaders throughout Asia. They have the power to bring many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! This is an amazing return on a $50 investment! Help support one hour or more of APMedia’s operations. It may be possible for you or your small group or church to do more. Join a committed company of people who are sowing a seed into Asia where the gospel in so many places has been so limited or non-existent.
Even if you can’t give $50, please give something today. Each dollar will be combined with other smaller gifts to cover one hour of ministry.
Please prayerfully consider making your partnership gift. You may make your one time or reoccurring donation securely today at Thank you for joining with us today to reach Asia Pacific! We are praying for you.
Bill Snider, Asia Pacific Media Director