Pastor Wilson Martin has been conducting medical missions in Metro Manila and the provincial areas for around four years. He is one of many Christian professionals who use MOMS and Men in Progress Magazine to restore and build families.
We have approximately 2,000 patients in every mission where doctors from different hospitals serve. Instead of tracts, we use MOMS Magazine and Men in Progress (MIP). We found it works so much better because of the variety of topics addressed in the magazine compared to tracts.
We provide MOMS and MIP in the waiting area of our counseling office. What happens is it becomes easier for us to counsel our patients because their minds and hearts are already open to the Word of God. Many accept the Lord as Savior.
As a medical missions coordinator, I go around and observe. I see people really engaged in reading the magazines. Our evangelism isn’t immediately connected with the A-B-Cs of Salvation.
The counselors try to find out the issues that will lead their patients to open their hearts to the gospel
The counselors try to find the issues their patients are dealing with. They hope to find an open opportunity to share Christ and MOMS Magazine helps.
That’s what is effective about MOMS and MIP, it’s not pure gospel. People today are different. Sometimes using the words gospel, salvation or John 3:16 ... that’s sometimes not a well-recieved approach. I find that MOMS goes along with our mission strategy because we share life-change not just through the Bible but also through practical application to every day issues.
I remember one day seeing a Muslim woman reading MOMS—it reaches so many because of the topics that are covered.
We have seen MOMS and MIP change the lives of so many. Thank you to Asia Pacific Media for touching so many people with this resource.
What’s Being Said about MOMS Magazine
I give MOMS Magazine to my relatives and friends. One of my friends who is a radio announcer on a non-Christian station uses the content of MOMS in her program.” — Myrna Celada-Goseso
After we provided several issues of MOMS Magazine, a lady banker asked to pray so she could accept Jesus as her Savior. Now the MOMS is on her table for clients to read while waiting for their bank transactions.” —Eleanor Sebiano of Turning Point Development Programs
"I take my mom to physical therapy every morning. You wait there for hours along with people from all walks of life. There’s the very rich, very poor, teachers, patients, companions. Most of them are Roman Catholics but they ask for MOMS. When I hand them a copy MOMS Magazine. I pray that God will touch their life. —Evelyn Tan