Over the last few months you may have heard many families in crisis stories from people like Arnaldo. His story is just one example of the power of media ministry. Through watching one APMedia video, Arnaldo realized there was a better way to live and a better way to treat his family. As a result of coming to know Christ, his family is forever changed. Over the last few months you may have heard many families in crisis stories from people like Arnaldo. His story is just one example of the power of media ministry. Through watching one APMedia video, Arnaldo realized there was a better way to live and a better way to treat his family. As a result of coming to know Christ, his family is forever changed.
As 2015 unfolds before us, ask yourself what would you give to see this generation receive the true message of hope for the family. Will you support APMedia in our mission to share the gospel with more than tens of thousands of families across the Asia Pacific.
Search Your Heart. What can you give?What if you could help us change a family, a young student or a husband by giving up one day's latte and donating that $5.00 to APMedia instead? Instead of reaching for today's afternoon drive-through snack, what if you chose today to partner with APMedia instead? What if you told a friend to give to us instead? Every $5 you donate today will help APMedia reach a family in crisis.
For less than a latte, you can impact Asia Pacific. What to know more about it? Click here: Coffee at Home.
Is God calling you? Maybe a friend? Take the challenge and declare it on your social media pages using this link and state it, “I’m having coffee at home in order to give to APMedia.”
You’ve seen, you’ve witnessed and you’ve been challenged—it’s your call! Together we can help more families like Arnaldo.
To request a free subscription to Mission click here. May God bless you richly this year.