A Letter from Bill:
“I am thankful for what is happening in my life, especially to my children because of videos. Even though I am separated from my husband, I have learned so many things…. I have surrendered all to the Lord and His plans for us. I am thankful for having come to this church.” — Emelita Casabuena For Emelita and her family, God is writing a new story—a story of hope and restoration. This new beginning started when Emelita was invited to watch the family series “Usapang Pamilya” at a local church here in the Philippines. At APMedia, it is our mission to help write these kind of stories. We are committed to using media to impact the real lives of individuals and families across Asia Pacific—where the gospel is not well understood. As a media-focused missions ministry we are focused on crafting resources that make the gospel message contextually and culturally relevant to the needs of the people in the local church. And because of this we continue to see amazing results. In fact, for the last three months, we have made a concerted effort to discover and share more of these stories with you. You may never get to travel to this part of the world in your lifetime, but as our partners we want you to see how your prayer and financial support of APMedia is working each day to see His Message, Multiplied. Now, each week you can access behind-the-scenes insight into our ministry, projects and media resources here on our blog at apmedia.org. Most importantly you will have the opportunity to hear how APMedia is transforming people's lives for Jesus in this part of the world.
You’ll read about 200 people who immediately came to Christ after watching our film “Ang Sugo” at a church outreach in Benguet. You’ll learn about the open door that APMedia has been given in Myanmar to launch a media team associated with our national church. You’ll hear from people like Ervin, who’s APMedia training is helping him develop skills in video production so that he can share Christ as a media missionary.These are stories in countries we never thought we would have access, but God is touching them through the one-of-a-kind ministry focus of APMedia! At APMedia, we have always believed media birthed from the hearts of church workers will lead people to connect with congregations and in turn grow disciples. Our commitment is to more than just words in the air. We want God to be glorified by the results! Several weeks ago, I asked for 100 people to support APMedia with a commitment of $50 per month—or 50 people committing $100 per month. It is imperative that we have immediate response to this need in order to secure our future. I'm encouraged that ten people have responded so far, but we have a long way to go. However no matter if your only able to give $10, $20, $50 or $100 one time or in a monthly pledge of support—it will all go towards meeting our monthly $5,000 a month operating budget that spans across the Asia Pacific to see souls impacted for the kingdom.