Note from Bill: I was in a church recently and during a Q & A, the pastor asked me, “How many people do you think you APMedia
’s ministry efforts are reaching?” I responded “Even though it’s hard to project an exact number, just one of our films, REBOUND, has been on a national TV release and several thousand videos are in the market, so I would estimate 6-7 million viewers so far.” viewers. This past year another of our movies, THE MESSENGER, was pirated put on YouTube. In about 10 months, there have been over 300,000 views. That’s not how I would prefer our materials are distributed! So how many people are being influenced by the message? Millions. And that i
s just in these two projects alone! His Message. Multiplied. It’s what we do. As you take the time to browse the digital edition of our new annual issue of Mission Magazine ( you will see the APMedia is at the forefront of the digital age impacting lives and families all across Asia Pacific for Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers and your support of Asia Pacific Media!—Bill Snider, Asia Pacific Media P.S. If you like to request print copies of this issue, please use contact points below: P: 417-862-2781 x 1719 or E-mail: