Partners, I want to thank you for your investment in this year’s Asia Institute for Media in Ministry. It has truly resulted in His Message, Multiplied.
Forty-four people were trained to produce culturally relevant media to engage the churches, communities and home countries that they serve.
They are doing just that. They are spreading the gospel in their own churches and communities. And they are doing so much more. They are taking what they learned at AIMM and re-investing it in others.
Meet Le Anne, Rocky and Korina and find out how they are using the training they received at AIMM for the glory of God.Meet Media Missionary
I have been able to be a part of some DigiTracts videos; my experience was amazing and unforgettable. I do not just enjoy producing films, but also seeing people be touched with those videos. By utilizing the talents of my church family, they helped me make these videos possible. With that, it make us more united and connected as a church and as a one big family.Meet Media Missionary
With the training that I have received through AIMM, I am producing sermon and praise and worship videos which we post online for church members working in other countries who don’t have access to church. These videos are also reaching our community, Digos City, for the glory of God. I pray and I hope that many will be encouraged by God’s Word and many will come to know Christ.Meet Media Missionary
After the AIMM training, the team who attended from our church shared what we had learned with our congregation by conducting a series of media workshops. We did it during our Wednesday night midweek service. The first Wednesday was for the Social Media Workshop, second and third Wednesday was for Writing and fourth and last Wednesday for Video Production.