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Tips for speaking on camera

TIPS FOR SPEAKING ON CAMERAThis is a moment in time where using media is essential to communicate with your congregation; and beyond them, to their friends and family. I’ve been watching several pastors jump into this. For most of you, this is new territory. For many years at AP Media, we’ve been doing video production and training church workers for media ministry. I hope one or two of these may help you. Praying for your outreach! Bill


  1. CAMERA AT EYE LEVEL You are not speaking from above people or below people, but directly to them.

  2. TALK DIRECTLY TO THE CAMERA Be personal. Imagine you are speaking to one person or a small family. This is a congregation of individuals or families.

  3. SMILE Your warmth and caring are conveyed through a smile. This is your basic demeanor, you are a friend, a person that cares.

  4. AUDIO CHECK Make sure your audio is good. People will not stay if your voice sounds like it’s coming from a tube. Use a hand-held mic.

  5. PLEASING BACKGROUND Find a place in your home that looks pleasant. Take a picture of you and the background and adjust until it looks pleasing.

  6. GOOD LIGHTING This will most likely come from a nearby window or from your own room lights.

  7. MID-SHOT VIEW On camera, you want the view showing from your chest upward. Place yourself a bit off center of the picture, it will look more pleasing to the viewer, as well.

  8. 10 MINUTES OR LESS (unless this is your Sunday service message) Be succinct and well-prepared. People’s attention spans are not what they used to be.

  9. ENCOURAGE SHARING Your first audience is your congregation; however, encourage them to share your video thoughts with their friends and extended family, through Facebook or Instagram. Your thoughts will then reach thousands.

  10. BE CONSISTENT In my opinion, once per day is enough, but you may choose to do a short video 3x per week. Communicate what you are doing, so your congregation can anticipate hearing from you.

  11. MEDIA TEAM If you haven’t already, use this time to build a media team. Look to young people for technical savvy, and ask their help.

  12. REMEMBER THE CHILDREN Ask a team member to find resources online that you can share with your families, or encourage your children’s workers to develop their own content.

  13. REVIEW YOUR VIDEOS Learn from looking at what others are doing. You will be amazed how quickly you will improve in this new area of ministry. While the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious challenge for churches, it is a catalyst

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