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APMedia Update: Resourcing the Church to Reach the Family

Writer's picture: Asia Pacific MediaAsia Pacific Media

Dear Friends of APMedia,

“As I invest in the lives of the people through APMedia, I have seen how God can use ordinary people create extraordinary tools to reach the lost.” —Alena Palad, APMedia We live in a fast changing world where digital plays such an important role. In one minute on the Internet, there are 67,000 photos uploaded, 4.1 million Google searches, over 300 hours of YouTube uploaded, 50,000 apps downloaded, and 136 million emails sent. Truly amazing! In some of the places of Asia Pacific the Internet is the main access point for believers to give them insights on Christian living and support in their discipleship journey. This is an incredible opportunity for believers to connect with people and with faith. Over the years, I've noticed there's a missing link between the people who

produce Christian materials and the groups of believers who don't know how to use these messages. The missing link is often a church leader who provides a resource of Christian media in discipleship and to share the Good News with friends. APMedia has responded by training pastors and Christian leaders in many nations of the region to use these tools in outreach to neighbors, to family and even in places where the gospel is not easily available. It’s amazing that for $50 an hour we can support our 12-member, Manila-based creative team who are producing resources and supporting training efforts all across Asia Pacific. Especially in this world of constantly rising costs, your investment is multiplied and can do so much across Asia Pacific. We need your prayers right now as we prepare for new projects in the months and year ahead. In November, APMedia will voice dub our sports basketball movie, REBOUND into Bahasa for Indonesia. In early 2016, we will be supporting a project to take one of our evangelistic movies for the Muslim world of Thailand.

Right now, we're producing four new “Digitracts”, short video messages that are conversation starters, which can be used by college students and young professionals in sharing the gospel. Our team seeks to make tools easily accessible via YouTube as well as our website, and viewed on a smartphone or tablet. Your investment today whether it’s $50, $75, $10o or more will allow us to provide training, to produce new media and to connect the message to believers who can share it with their friends. Smaller gifts, even the price of your morning cup of coffee, will be combined with others to see His Message, Multiplied across Asia Pacific. We’ve also made our giving easier with APMedia Text to Give. Simply text APMEDIAGIVE to 95577 and you will also be included in our monthly updates including each new issue of Mission Magazine. You can also give via our web site at Thank you for investing in APMedia today to see His Message, Multiplied! God bless,

Bill Snider, APMedia director Download a Printable Version of the October 2015 Update Below: OCT2015AppealAPMediaforPRINT

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