The Japan Assemblies of God have given us the open the door to speak into the minds and hearts of their leadership. Out of this, a new generation of church leaders is rising that is more tech-savvy and wants to use technology to reach their nation with His Message of Hope. So it’s an extraordinary time as we see God opening up the opportunity to multiply the Digital Church by training its leaders. Part of the reason for this growth is the work that Jonathan Lowrence and his family have done to represent APMedia in Japan. They have been working there for five years. Jonathon has been a servant, and he has served that time. And he has built incredible trust with the Church. Jonathan shares: “So many here have ambitious hearts to share Christ creatively with those who have not heard. We’re privileged to help them do that.” Earlier this year, APMedia conducted two online training sessions with the Assemblies of God of Japan, with church leaders and digital missionaries. Some attended sessions focused on establishing a social media presence, and others attended sessions on video storytelling production. The Manila-based APMedia Team continues to excel at providing sessions that incorporate rich teaching content into shorter amounts of teaching time. We see incredible growth and an increase in what they gleaned from each training opportunity. As we continue to train pastors and leaders, we see that the Japan Assemblies of God now understand the “whys” and “how-tos” of social media ministry. We are hoping to do an in-person training with these leaders in the fall. There are also plans to help consult with them on constructing a media studio similar to the one we were able to build in Myanmar, which was dedicated in 2018. Thank you for your continued partnership with us to see His Message, Multiplied in Japan by training the workers!
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