by Jonathan & Melissa Lowrance, Asia Pacific Media--Japan On April 6, Japan entered into a state of emergency due to the rising infections from COVID-19. Hundreds of churches were forced to move their services to online platforms. Ministries that had little to no social media presence suddenly found themselves grappling with a new frontier in ministry. One thing that proves itself during this time is the value of media as a vehicle for carrying the gospel. We quickly realized that we were in a perfect position to help the church respond to this crisis. After extending an invitation of help, one pastor excitedly exclaimed to us, “Maybe God brought you to Japan specifically for this time.” It reminded us that God’s providential plan is still at work through all the uncertainty we are experiencing. In addition to providing media consultation for multiple churches, we now have four ongoing projects in partnership with the Japan Assemblies of God. We are partnering with the church and Global University to bring Christian education resources to video format and in Japanese. At the end of July, we held a two-day media class for the students at Central Bible College and taught topics such as video production, live streaming, and social media in ministry. It has always been our hearts to reach young people in Japan through media, and now, with your faithful prayers and support, we have tremendous opportunities to do that. In August, youth from all over Japan gathered at local churches to worship and experience their first live digital youth camp. Would you join us in praying for the church in Japan as it breaks ground in new areas of digital ministry?
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