The harvest field is ready! Thank you for partnering with us to multiply the workers in Asia Pacific. Would you take the time to pray for every media missionary who took part in the 2019 AIMM training and for future Multiply Training Seminars? Pray for them as the take their training to their own countries and implement that training in their churches, ministries and surrounding communities. These are some of their prayer requests:
Pray that congregations across Asia Pacific will catch the vision for spreading the gospel through media ministry.
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest (Luke 10:2), that He would send co-laborers in media ministry.
Pray that equipment and other resources would be made available so they can build an effective media ministry that will reach the unreached areas of Asia Pacific.
Pray that these media missionaries will find favor, even in restricted areas, so they can boldly walk through open doors to communicate His Message SO ALL MAY HEAR!